Thursday, March 29, 2012


This is the age of user created content.  Social media is dominating the internet and most of the content on these social media websites are user generated.  Ideas are sprouted and shared around the world through the internet where new ideas grow.  Being able to share content with others through new media springs "what if" questions and leads to individuals or groups creating their own ideas to share with the internet.  In the article "Disney Tolerates a Rap Parody of Its Critters. But Why", we see the birth of a widely popular mash-up on YouTube.  Being inspired by the rap song, the creators probably thought to themselves "what if" Disney characters were to rap and dance like they do in the rap video?  This further led to many other parodies showing up on YouTube.  Many other animated character have been part of the soulja boy mash-ups.  As new media continues to allow users to share their ideas instantly around the world, more people will continue to speculate on these ideas and begin to create their own.

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