Thursday, April 26, 2012

The Next New Thing

Social media has been dominating in these past couple of years.  Many kinds of new media began to pop up.  Things such as video blogs, live streams, gaming streams and more started to gain in popularity.  Even ways to share music gained popularity.  Things like Pandora and Spotify were invented and changed the way we listen to music.  I think music sharing can be taken to another level.  User created music is all over YouTube, but YouTube is not a dedicated site for sharing your own music creations.  I would like to see a site where a user can create a piece of music and post it on the site where another musician is able to download the track and add on his or own spin onto the track.  For example, a guitarist can play a soothing medley which he uploads onto the site.  A pianist then picks up this track and adds some piano onto the track.  This music track then goes back to guitarist for approval.  If the add on is approved, it gets sent out to the site again where another musician may pick up the track and add their own spin on it.  This continues until all participating artists are satisfied with the final piece of music.  The song is then placed on the site where other users can listen, comment, and rate the song.  This provides a whole new world where artists can come together, collaborate, and create beautiful music.


  1. This is a very creative, and collaborative use of technology that would help bring something new to the music industry. It would allow for anyone to create and share music - possibly the best version of any single piece.

  2. Great idea! that way you can build an entire band without having to be physically close to each other. It can also be very useful for existing bands who find it hard to practice on a new song.

  3. This new system of sharing music would probably be the new revolution in the music field, since there are many people that love music and many people that would like to try new things.

  4. This is an intriguing and great idea! It can even be used with already recorded songs by signed bands, but rather than copying the same version, a cover version can be made with the users' own twists. I think the site SoundCloud could do something like this extremely well.

  5. This is an interesting idea in theory, but I think it would be tough to implement in real life. The contributors to the "project" or song would all want a claim to the rights of the song. If there was some type of monetary element involved, it could get pretty ugly. If everyone agreed to have it be completely free and public, then it wouldn't be a problem. But most people want to protect their creative ideas and make money out of it somehow. It's funny because when youtube first came out, I thought that there should be something like it but with a focus on music (it would be called YouTune). I'm sure there are things like it, but there are probably tons of obstacles and complications that make the idea difficult to implement.

  6. Wow, it seems to be a mix between a mashup, open source, and SoundCloud. I would have to agree with Robert on this idea and require the content to use a license like Linux - GPL or creative commons...(I'm not sure if that would work or not)
